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Fällkniven TK3 Mop

Cena: 1649,00 zł

Elegant, modern folding knives
The folding knives in the Tre Kronor series are lightweight, safe and beautiful. The new edge steel, 3G, is a revolutionary laminated anticorrosive steel, with a core comprising the well-proven powder steel Super Gold Powder Steel (SGPS) and sides of VG2.

The size of the folding knives is adapted for active everyday use; and if a larger or stronger knife is needed, we recommend either of our sheath knives TK1 or TK2.

Tre Kronor #3
The beautiful enduring design is the result of a long refinement process focusing on the functional concept of the folding knife. TK3 is a secure, solid folding knife, whose blade, in our new 3G steel, represents the best on the market today. The blade locks in its open position with a well-proven locking mechanism. Every folding knife is manufactured by hand, which should and does mean small variations. Many different versions of this model are planned for the future: see our web site for more information.

Real pearl is one of the most exlusive materials for handles. This is a class AAA mop, understood to be the best in the world. All mop come from industry grown banks.

Mod. TK3mop
Length folded: 3.8" (97 mm)    
Blade length: 2.76" (70 mm)    
Blade thickness: 0.1" (2,5 mm)
Weigth: 103 g (3.5) oz
Steel: 3G
Hardness (edge): 62 HRC    
Handle material: Mother of Pearl    
Pouch: Black cordura

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